Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Fugly in DC

You would think that people living in Washington DC would know better than to wear a Fugly wedding dress. The scrutiny in this city is relentless-who doesn't remember the political outrage at Hilary Clinton's hairstyle when she first became first lady? It was the talk of the town here for years!

Looking through the Washington's Craigslist Classifieds is really an exercise in how boring and conformist a city that worships power and influence really is. Loads of white, off-white, and tastefully embellished strapless wedding gowns, most in the $1,000-3,000 range, costly enough to show social status, but never flashy enough to offend any particular constituency.

But even politically correct Washington cannot seem to escape the FUGLY wedding dress. For only $150 you can own this beautiful dress, complete with "small pink roses/white pearls and embroidery on the top bodice," AND a detachable 7 foot train.

The seller even provides us with a close up
of the pink roses, white pearls, and embroidery. It looks like some kind of wedding dress embellishment blender threw up on this dress and spewed forth every kind of wedding-type cutsie dress accessory available at your local crafts store.

From the back, the dress of course features the ass-saddle bow, complete with tiny pink roses. I suggest that whoever may be crazy enough to buy this dress wear the detachable 7 foot train-perhaps people will be too busy trying not to trip over it to notice the dress itself!

I showed this great find to my boyfriend, hopeful he would agree with me that this dress was the epitome of FUGLY! "It doesn't look that bad," he said. "You really think it's ugly?" Note to self: NEVER let him pick out clothes for me.

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